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00001 #include "PlannerObstacles.h"
00003 /* Splitting the DualCoding stuff into a separate file allows us to
00004  * avoid compilation dependancy on the DualCoding ecosystem when
00005  * we just want to test PlannerObstacle math in external tools */
00007 #include "DualCoding/ShapeBlob.h"
00008 #include "DualCoding/ShapeBrick.h"
00009 #include "DualCoding/ShapeCross.h"
00010 #include "DualCoding/ShapeDomino.h"
00011 #include "DualCoding/ShapeCylinder.h"
00012 #include "DualCoding/ShapeEllipse.h"
00013 #include "DualCoding/ShapeLine.h"
00014 #include "DualCoding/ShapeNaught.h"
00015 #include "DualCoding/ShapePoint.h"
00016 #include "DualCoding/ShapePolygon.h"
00017 #include "DualCoding/ShapeSphere.h"
00020 using namespace DualCoding;
00022 template <>
00023 void PlannerObstacle2D::convertShapeToPlannerObstacle
00024 (const DualCoding::ShapeRoot &shape, float inflation, std::vector<PlannerObstacle2D*> &obstacles) {
00025   switch ( shape->getType() ) {
00027     case pointDataType: {
00028       const Shape<PointData> &p = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,PointData);
00029       float pointWidth = 1;  // default point width 1 mm
00030       CircularObstacle *circ =
00031       new CircularObstacle(p->getCentroid().coordX(),
00032                            p->getCentroid().coordY(),
00033                            pointWidth+inflation);
00034       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00035       nameStream << p->getName() << "-" << p->getId();
00036       circ->name = nameStream.str();
00037       circ->shapeId = p->getId();
00038       obstacles.push_back(circ);
00039     } break;
00041     case aprilTagDataType:
00042       // Can't handle AprilTags correctly until we have a way to find their 3D orientation
00043       break;
00045     case lineDataType: {
00046       const Shape<LineData> &line = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,LineData);
00047       const fmat::SubVector<2, const fmat::fmatReal> p1(line->end1Pt().coords);
00048       const fmat::SubVector<2, const fmat::fmatReal> p2(line->end2Pt().coords);
00049       const fmat::Column<2> axis = p2 - p1;   
00050       float const lineWidth = 1; // default line width 1 mm
00051       RectangularObstacle *rect =
00052   new RectangularObstacle((p1 + p2)/2,
00053         fmat::pack(axis.norm()/2+inflation, lineWidth+inflation),
00054         line->getOrientation());
00055       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00056       nameStream << line->getName() << "-" << line->getId();
00057       rect->name = nameStream.str();
00058       rect->shapeId = line->getId();
00059       obstacles.push_back(rect);
00060     } break;
00062     case polygonDataType: {
00063       const Shape<PolygonData>& poly = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,PolygonData);
00064       std::vector<LineData> lines =  poly->getEdges();
00065       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
00066         const fmat::SubVector<2, const fmat::fmatReal> p1(lines[i].end1Pt().coords);
00067         const fmat::SubVector<2, const fmat::fmatReal> p2(lines[i].end2Pt().coords);
00068         const fmat::Column<2> axis = p2 - p1;
00069         float const lineWidth = 1; // default line width 1 mm
00070         RectangularObstacle *rect =
00071     new RectangularObstacle((p1 + p2)/2, fmat::pack(axis.norm()/2+inflation, lineWidth+inflation),
00072           lines[i].getOrientation());
00073         std::ostringstream nameStream;
00074         nameStream << poly->getName() << "-" << poly->getId() << ":" << i;
00075         rect->name = nameStream.str();
00076         rect->shapeId = poly->getId();
00077         obstacles.push_back(rect);
00078       }
00079       break;
00080     }
00082     case ellipseDataType: {
00083       const Shape<EllipseData> &e = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,EllipseData);
00084       EllipticalObstacle* ellipse =
00085       new EllipticalObstacle(fmat::Column<2>(e->getCentroid().coords),
00086                              e->getSemimajor()+inflation,
00087                              e->getSemiminor()+inflation,
00088                              e->getOrientation());
00089       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00090       nameStream << e->getName() << "-" << e->getId();
00091       ellipse->name = nameStream.str();
00092       ellipse->shapeId = e->getId();
00093       obstacles.push_back(ellipse);
00094     } break;
00096     case sphereDataType: {
00097       const Shape<SphereData> &sph = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,SphereData);
00098       CircularObstacle *circ =
00099       new CircularObstacle(sph->getCentroid().coordX(),
00100                            sph->getCentroid().coordY(),
00101                            sph->getRadius()+inflation);
00102       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00103       nameStream << sph->getName() << "-" << sph->getId();
00104       circ->name = nameStream.str();
00105       circ->shapeId = sph->getId();
00106       obstacles.push_back(circ);
00107     } break;
00109     case cylinderDataType: {
00110       const Shape<CylinderData>& c = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,CylinderData);
00111       CircularObstacle *circ =
00112   new CircularObstacle(c->getCentroid().coordX(), c->getCentroid().coordY(), c->getRadius()+inflation);
00113       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00114       nameStream << c->getName() << "-" << c->getId();
00115       circ->name = nameStream.str();
00116       circ->shapeId = c->getId();
00117       obstacles.push_back(circ);
00118     } break;
00120     case blobDataType: {
00121       const Shape<BlobData> &b = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,BlobData);
00122       RectangularObstacle *rect =
00123   new RectangularObstacle(fmat::Column<2>(b->getCentroid().coords), b->getBoundingBox().getDimensions()+inflation, 0);
00124       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00125       nameStream << b->getName() << "-" << b->getId();
00126       rect->name = nameStream.str();
00127       rect->shapeId = b->getId();
00128       obstacles.push_back(rect);
00129     } break;
00131   case brickDataType:{
00132       const Shape<BrickData> &brick = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,BrickData);
00133       RectangularObstacle *rect =
00134   new RectangularObstacle(fmat::Column<2>(brick->getCentroid().coords), fmat::pack( 
00135                                         (brick->getBoundingBox().getDimension(0))/2 +inflation,
00136                                         (brick->getBoundingBox().getDimension(1))/2 +inflation), 0);
00137       // ^ The dimensions are divided by ~two because the RectangularObstacle() is expecting half width and half height
00138       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00139       nameStream << brick->getName() << "-" << brick->getId();
00140       rect->name = nameStream.str();
00141       rect->shapeId = brick->getId();
00142       obstacles.push_back(rect);
00143     } break;
00145   case dominoDataType: {
00146     const Shape<DominoData> &domino = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,DominoData);
00147     EllipticalObstacle *ell = new EllipticalObstacle(fmat::Column<2>(domino->getCentroid().coords),
00148       domino->getLength()/2+inflation, domino->getWidth()/2+inflation,
00149       domino->getOrientation().angle());
00150   std::ostringstream nameStream;
00151   nameStream << domino->getName() << "-" << domino->getId();
00152   ell->name = nameStream.str();
00153   ell->shapeId = domino->getId();
00154   obstacles.push_back(ell);
00155     } break;
00157   case crossDataType: {
00158     const Shape<CrossData>& c = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,CrossData);
00159     CircularObstacle *circ =
00160       new CircularObstacle(c->getCentroid().coordX(), c->getCentroid().coordY(), c->getArmSemiLength()+inflation);
00161     std::ostringstream nameStream;
00162     nameStream << c->getName() << "-" << c->getId();
00163     circ->name = nameStream.str();
00164     circ->shapeId = c->getId();
00165     obstacles.push_back(circ);
00166   } break;
00168   case naughtDataType: {
00169     const Shape<NaughtData>& naught = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,NaughtData);
00170     CircularObstacle *circ =
00171       new CircularObstacle(naught->getCentroid().coordX(), naught->getCentroid().coordY(), naught->getRadius()+inflation);
00172     std::ostringstream nameStream;
00173     nameStream << naught->getName() << "-" << naught->getId();
00174     circ->name = nameStream.str();
00175     circ->shapeId = naught->getId();
00176     obstacles.push_back(circ);
00177   } break;
00179   default:
00180     std::cout << std::endl << std::endl 
00181               <<"Planner error: conversion of '" << shape->getName() << "' " 
00182               << " to PlannerObstacle2D not yet implemented." << std::endl << std::endl;
00183   }
00184 }
00186 template <>
00187 void PlannerObstacle3D::convertShapeToPlannerObstacle
00188 (const DualCoding::ShapeRoot &shape, float inflation, std::vector<PlannerObstacle3D*> &obstacles) {
00189   switch ( shape->getType() ) {
00191     case pointDataType: {
00192       const Shape<PointData> &p = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,PointData);
00193       float pointWidth = 1;  // default point width 1 mm
00194       SphericalObstacle *sphere =
00195       new SphericalObstacle(p->getCentroid().coordX(),
00196                             p->getCentroid().coordY(),
00197                             p->getCentroid().coordZ(),
00198                             pointWidth+inflation);
00199       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00200       nameStream << p->getName() << "-" << p->getId();
00201       sphere->name = nameStream.str();
00202       sphere->shapeId = p->getId();
00203       obstacles.push_back(sphere);
00204     } break;
00206     case sphereDataType: {
00207       const Shape<SphereData> &sph = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,SphereData);
00208       SphericalObstacle *so =
00209       new SphericalObstacle(sph->getCentroid().coordX(),
00210                             sph->getCentroid().coordY(),
00211                             sph->getCentroid().coordZ(),
00212                             sph->getRadius()+inflation);
00213       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00214       nameStream << sph->getName() << "-" << sph->getId();
00215       so->name = nameStream.str();
00216       so->shapeId = sph->getId();
00217       obstacles.push_back(so);
00218     } break;
00220     case cylinderDataType: {
00221       const Shape<CylinderData>& c = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,CylinderData);
00222       CylindricalObstacle *cyl =
00223       new CylindricalObstacle(fmat::pack(c->getCentroid().coordX(),
00224                                          c->getCentroid().coordY(),
00225                                          c->getCentroid().coordZ()),
00226                               fmat::Matrix<3,3>::identity(),
00227                               c->getRadius(),
00228                               c->getHeight()/2);
00229       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00230       nameStream << c->getName() << "-" << c->getId();
00231       cyl->name = nameStream.str();
00232       cyl->shapeId = c->getId();
00233       obstacles.push_back(cyl);
00234     } break;
00236   case brickDataType:
00237   case dominoDataType: {
00238       const Shape<BrickData> &br = ShapeRootTypeConst(shape,BrickData);
00239       // get centroid
00240       const fmat::Column<3> centroid = br->getCentroid().coords;
00241       // determine extents
00242       fmat::Column<3> extents = br->getTFR().coords - centroid;
00243       // create orientation matrix from normalized axes
00244       fmat::Matrix<3,3> o;
00245       o.column(0) = (br->getTFR() - br->getTFL()).coords; o.column(0) /= o.column(0).norm();
00246       o.column(1) = (br->getTFR() - br->getTBR()).coords; o.column(1) /= o.column(1).norm();
00247       o.column(2) = (br->getTFR() - br->getGFR()).coords; o.column(2) /= o.column(2).norm();
00248       BoxObstacle *box = new BoxObstacle(centroid, o.transpose() * extents, o);
00249       std::ostringstream nameStream;
00250       nameStream << br->getName() << "-" << br->getId();
00251       box->name = nameStream.str();
00252       box->shapeId = br->getId();
00253       obstacles.push_back(box);
00254     } break;
00256     default:
00257       std::cout << std::endl << std::endl 
00258       <<"Planner error: conversion of '" << shape->getName() << "' " 
00259       << " to PlannerObstacle3D not yet implemented." << std::endl << std::endl;
00260   }
00261 }

Tekkotsu v5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:58:47 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3