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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #if defined(__APPLE__)
00003 #include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
00004 #ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6
00006 #include "CameraSourceQTKit.h"
00007 #include "Shared/debuget.h"
00008 #include <cmath>
00010 using namespace std; 
00014 void CameraSourceQTKit::init() {
00015   format.setPreferredNameForVal("",TYPE_UNKNOWN);
00016   format.setPreferredNameForVal("yuvs",TYPE_YUVS);
00017   format.setPreferredNameForVal("2vuy",TYPE_2VUY);
00018   format.setPreferredNameForVal("gray",TYPE_GRAY);
00019   format.addNameForVal("grayscale",TYPE_GRAY);
00020   addEntry("Parallel",parallel,"If true, will attempt to use Apple's Grand Central Dispatch to do block processing.\n"
00021        "This parallelizes image processing, may slightly increase total CPU usage but should reduce per-frame wall time.");
00022   addEntry("HighRes",highRes,"If true, upsamples color channels horizontally to match Y channel, otherwise downsamples\n"
00023        "everything to common resolution (y/4, u,v/2).  Set to true to use full resolution of\n"
00024        "camera (either as the “full” layer or if you are accessing the “double” layer),\n"
00025        "set to false if you are using half-resolution as the resolution of the “full” layer");
00026   addEntry("Layer",layer,"Controls the resolution layer at which the image should be processed.\n"
00027     "0 indicates “automatic” mode (picks layer closest to image's resolution), positive numbers indicate the resolution layer directly.\n"
00028     "Negative values are relative to the number of layers marked available by the vision setup, so that typically -1 would correspond to the “double” layer, and -2 would correspond to the “full” layer.");
00029   addEntry("Format",format,"If non-empty string, requests the camera hardware provide images in the specified format (a four character code aka FourCC)\n"+format.getDescription());
00030   setLoadSavePolicy(FIXED,SYNC);
00031   delegate = [[CameraSourceQTKitDelegate alloc] initWithTarget:this];
00032   [device retain];
00033 }
00035 CameraSourceQTKit::~CameraSourceQTKit() {
00036   ASSERT(session==NULL,"Still have session instance in CameraSourceQTKit destructor?  Missed deregisterSource call?");
00037   NSAutoreleasePool  *autoreleasepool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
00038   [device release];
00039   [delegate release];
00040   [autoreleasepool release];
00041 }
00043 void CameraSourceQTKit::registerSource() {
00044   ASSERTRET(session==NULL,"re-registration?");
00045   NSAutoreleasePool  *autoreleasepool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
00047   NSError* error=NULL;
00048   QTCaptureDeviceInput* input=NULL;
00049   QTCaptureVideoPreviewOutput* output=NULL;
00050   try {
00051     if(![device open:&error])
00052       throw std::runtime_error("Could not open camera device " + name);
00054     session = [[QTCaptureSession alloc] init];
00055     input = [[QTCaptureDeviceInput alloc] initWithDevice:device];
00056     if(![session addInput:input error:&error])
00057       throw std::runtime_error("Could not add camera device " + name + " to capture session");
00059     output = [[QTCaptureVideoPreviewOutput alloc] init];
00060     if(![session addOutput:output error:&error])
00061       throw std::runtime_error("Could not add preview output to capture session for "+name);
00063     // FYI iSight 'native' is kComponentVideoUnsigned aka kYUVSPixelFormat aka  'yuvs'
00064     // We want kCVPixelFormatType_444YpCbCr8 aka k444YpCbCr8CodecType aka 'v308' for equal color resolution
00065     //[output setPixelBufferAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:k422YpCbCr8CodecType] forKey:(NSString*)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey]];
00066     /*[output setPixelBufferAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
00067         [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:320], (id)kCVPixelBufferWidthKey,
00068         [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:240], (id)kCVPixelBufferHeightKey,
00069         [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8], (id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey,
00070         nil]]; */
00072     /* Conversions supported by iSight, 10.6.3:
00073      kComponentVideoUnsigned 'yuvs'
00074      kCVPixelFormatType_24RGB 0x18
00075      kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB 0x20
00076      kCVPixelFormatType_8IndexedGray_WhiteIsZero 0x28
00077      kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA 'BGRA'
00078      kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8 '2vuy'
00079      kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8Planar 'y420'
00080      */
00082     // Haven't found a way to detect or predict camera support, let the user configure it
00083     if(format!=TYPE_UNKNOWN)
00084       [output setPixelBufferAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:format] forKey:(NSString*)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey]];
00086     [output setDelegate:delegate];
00088   } catch(const std::runtime_error& ex) {
00089     std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
00090     if(error!=NULL) {
00091       std::cerr << "Description: " << [[error localizedDescription] UTF8String] << std::endl;
00092       std::cerr << "Reason: " << [[error localizedFailureReason] UTF8String] << std::endl;
00093     }
00094     if(session!=NULL) {
00095       [session release];
00096       session=NULL;
00097     }
00098     if([device isOpen])
00099       [device close];
00100   }
00101   [input release];
00102   [output release];
00103   [autoreleasepool release];
00104 }
00106 void CameraSourceQTKit::deregisterSource() {
00107   NSAutoreleasePool  *autoreleasepool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
00108   if(session!=NULL) {
00109     if([session isRunning])
00110       [session stopRunning];
00111     [session release];
00112     session=NULL;
00113   }
00114   if([device isOpen])
00115     [device close];
00116   [autoreleasepool release];
00117 }
00119 bool CameraSourceQTKit::advance() {
00120   NSAutoreleasePool  *autoreleasepool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
00121   if([session isRunning]) {
00122     std::cerr << "Advancing " << name << ", but capture session already running" << std::endl;
00123     [autoreleasepool release];
00124     return false;
00125   }
00126   MarkScope lock(frameLock);
00127   oneFrame=true;
00128   [session startRunning];
00129   if(![session isRunning]) {
00130     std::cerr << "Advancing " << name << ", but capture session already running" << std::endl;
00131     [autoreleasepool release];
00132     return false;
00133   }
00134   [autoreleasepool release];
00135   frameCond.wait(frameLock); // we will receive the frame on another thread, wait for the signal it has been processed
00136   return true;
00137 }
00139 void CameraSourceQTKit::doFreeze() {
00140   NSAutoreleasePool  *autoreleasepool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
00141   if([session isRunning])
00142     [session stopRunning];
00143   [autoreleasepool release];
00144 }
00146 void CameraSourceQTKit::doUnfreeze() {
00147   NSAutoreleasePool  *autoreleasepool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
00148   if(![session isRunning])
00149     [session startRunning];
00150   [autoreleasepool release];
00151 }
00153 void CameraSourceQTKit::processImage(CVImageBufferRef videoFrame, QTSampleBuffer* sampleBuffer) {
00154   if(![session isRunning]) // indicates getting a buffered callback even after we've stopped the capture session, skip it
00155     return;
00157   //[sampleBuffer incrementSampleUseCount];
00159   float curTime = get_time()/1000.f;
00160   if(std::abs(curTime - (lastTime+duration)) >= duration)
00161     lastTime = curTime;
00162   else
00163     lastTime += duration;
00165   NSTimeInterval dur;
00166   QTGetTimeInterval([sampleBuffer duration],&dur);
00167   duration = static_cast<float>(dur);
00169   CGSize dim = CVImageBufferGetEncodedSize(videoFrame);
00170   unsigned int width = static_cast<unsigned int>(dim.width);
00171   unsigned int height = static_cast<unsigned int>(dim.height);
00173   unsigned int cc = [[sampleBuffer formatDescription] formatType];
00174   switch(cc) {
00175     case kComponentVideoUnsigned: // aka 'yuvs'
00176       if(highRes) {
00177         process_yuvs_U(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>([sampleBuffer bytesForAllSamples]),width,height);
00178       } else {
00179         process_yuvs_D(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>([sampleBuffer bytesForAllSamples]),width,height);
00180       }
00181       break;
00182     case kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8: // aka '2vuy'
00183       if(highRes) {
00184         process_2vuy_U(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>([sampleBuffer bytesForAllSamples]),width,height);
00185       } else {
00186         process_2vuy_D(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>([sampleBuffer bytesForAllSamples]),width,height);
00187       }
00188       break;
00189     case kCVPixelFormatType_8IndexedGray_WhiteIsZero: // aka 0x28 (not really a fourCC)
00190       process_grayscale_zerowhite(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>([sampleBuffer bytesForAllSamples]),width,height);
00191       break;
00192     default: {
00193       static unsigned int gaveWarning=0;
00194       if(gaveWarning!=cc) {
00195         gaveWarning=cc;
00196         std::cerr << "ERROR: CameraSourceQTKit doesn't know how to convert " << CC2Str(cc) << " pixel format" << std::endl;
00197       }
00198     } break;
00199   }
00201   if(oneFrame) { // indicates this was triggered by 'advance', we should stop capture now that we've gotten a frame
00202     MarkScope lock(frameLock);
00203     oneFrame=false;
00204     [session stopRunning];
00205     frameCond.broadcast();
00206   }
00208   //[sampleBuffer decrementSampleUseCount];
00209 }
00211 std::string CameraSourceQTKit::CC2Str(unsigned int x) {
00212   std::string ans;
00213   if(('1234' & 0xFF) == 1) {
00214     ans.append(1,char((x>>0) & 0xFF));
00215     ans.append(1,char((x>>8) & 0xFF));
00216     ans.append(1,char((x>>16) & 0xFF));
00217     ans.append(1,char((x>>24) & 0xFF));
00218   } else {
00219     ans.append(1,char((x>>24) & 0xFF));
00220     ans.append(1,char((x>>16) & 0xFF));
00221     ans.append(1,char((x>>8) & 0xFF));
00222     ans.append(1,char((x>>0) & 0xFF));
00223   }
00224   return ans;
00225 }
00227 unsigned int CameraSourceQTKit::Str2CC(const std::string& x) {
00228   if(('1234' & 0xFF) == 1) {
00229     return (x[0]<<0) | (x[1]<<8) | (x[2]<<16) | (x[3]<<24);
00230   } else {
00231     return (x[0]<<24) | (x[1]<<16) | (x[2]<<8) | (x[3]<<0);
00232   }
00233 }
00236 // When parallelizing with GCD, each dispatch should have a reasonable amount of work to do
00237 // So group several rows together for each block to reduce overhead.
00238 static const unsigned int ROWS_PER_BLOCK=4;
00240 // Data needed for each block to be processed
00241 struct BlockContext {
00242   const unsigned char* src; //!< start of source image
00243   const unsigned int srcStride; //!< length of each row (in bytes)
00244   unsigned char* dst; //!< start of destination image
00245 };
00249 /******* yuvs processing *******/
00251 static void process_yuvs_UBlock(void* context, size_t i) {
00252   const BlockContext* const ctxt = reinterpret_cast<BlockContext*>(context);
00253   const unsigned int pixels = ctxt->srcStride * ROWS_PER_BLOCK;
00254   const unsigned char* src = ctxt->src+pixels*i;
00255   const unsigned char* const srcEnd = src+pixels;
00256   unsigned char* dst = ctxt->dst+pixels/2*3*i;
00257   while(src!=srcEnd) {
00258     // y₁ u y₂ v → y₁ u v y₂ u v
00259     dst[0] = *src++;
00260     dst[1] = dst[4] = *src++;
00261     dst[3] = *src++;
00262     dst[2] = dst[5] = *src++;
00263     dst+=6;
00264   }
00265 }
00267 void CameraSourceQTKit::process_yuvs_U(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) {
00268   //TimeET p;
00269   const unsigned int components=3;
00270   ssize_t reqSize = sizeof(ImageHeader) + width * height * components;
00271   RCRegion * region = getUnusedRegion(reqSize, 0);
00272   unsigned char * buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(region->Base());
00273   new (region->Base()) ImageHeader(0, layer, width, height, components, ++frame, get_time(), nextName());
00275   unsigned char * dst = buf + sizeof(ImageHeader);
00276   if(parallel) {
00277     BlockContext ctxt = { s, width*2, dst };
00278     dispatch_queue_t q_default = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
00279     dispatch_apply_f(height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK, q_default, &ctxt, process_yuvs_UBlock);
00280   } else {
00281     const unsigned char * const dstEnd=dst+width*height*components;
00282     while(dst!=dstEnd) {
00283       // y₁ u y₂ v → y₁ u v y₂ u v
00284       dst[0] = *s++;
00285       dst[1] = dst[4] = *s++;
00286       dst[3] = *s++;
00287       dst[2] = dst[5] = *s++;
00288       dst+=6;
00289     }
00290     ASSERTRET(dst-buf==reqSize,"CameraSource bad imgFromyuvs " << reqSize << " vs " << (dst-buf));
00291   }
00292   //std::cout << p.Age() << std::endl;
00293   setImage(region);
00294 }
00296 static void process_yuvs_DBlock(void* context, size_t i) {
00297   const BlockContext* const ctxt = reinterpret_cast<BlockContext*>(context);
00298   const unsigned int srcStride = ctxt->srcStride;
00299   const unsigned char* src = ctxt->src+srcStride*2*i*ROWS_PER_BLOCK;
00300   unsigned char* dst = ctxt->dst+srcStride/4*3*i*ROWS_PER_BLOCK;
00301   unsigned int y,u,v;
00302   for(unsigned int r=0; r<ROWS_PER_BLOCK; ++r) {
00303     const unsigned char* const srcRowEnd = src+srcStride;
00304     while(src!=srcRowEnd) {
00305       y=*src;
00306       y+=*(src+srcStride);
00308       u=*++src;
00309       u+=*(src+srcStride);
00311       y+=*++src;
00312       y+=*(src+srcStride);
00314       v=*++src;
00315       v+=*(src+srcStride);
00317       *dst++ = y/4;
00318       *dst++ = u/2;
00319       *dst++ = v/2;
00321       ++src;
00322     }
00323     src+=srcStride;
00324   }
00325 }
00327 void CameraSourceQTKit::process_yuvs_D(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight) {
00328   //TimeET p;
00329   const unsigned int width=srcWidth/2;
00330   const unsigned int height=srcHeight/2;
00331   const unsigned int components=3;
00332   ssize_t reqSize = sizeof(ImageHeader) + width * height * components;
00333   RCRegion * region = getUnusedRegion(reqSize, 0);
00334   unsigned char * buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(region->Base());
00335   new (region->Base()) ImageHeader(0, layer, width, height, components, ++frame, get_time(), nextName());
00337   BlockContext ctxt = { s, srcWidth*2, buf + sizeof(ImageHeader) };
00338   if(parallel) {
00339     dispatch_queue_t q_default = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
00340     dispatch_apply_f(height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK, q_default, &ctxt, process_yuvs_DBlock);
00341   } else {
00342     for(size_t i=0; i<height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK; ++i)
00343       process_yuvs_DBlock(&ctxt,i);
00344   }
00345   //std::cout << p.Age() << std::endl;
00346   setImage(region);
00347 }
00351 /******* 2vuy processing *******/
00353 static void process_2vuy_UBlock(void* context, size_t i) {
00354   const BlockContext* const ctxt = reinterpret_cast<BlockContext*>(context);
00355   const unsigned int pixels = ctxt->srcStride * ROWS_PER_BLOCK;
00356   const unsigned char* src = ctxt->src+pixels*i;
00357   const unsigned char* const srcEnd = src+pixels;
00358   unsigned char* dst = ctxt->dst+pixels/2*3*i;
00359   while(src!=srcEnd) {
00360     // y₁ u y₂ v → y₁ u v y₂ u v
00361     dst[1] = dst[4] = *src++;
00362     dst[0] = *src++;
00363     dst[2] = dst[5] = *src++;
00364     dst[3] = *src++;
00365     dst+=6;
00366   }
00367 }
00369 void CameraSourceQTKit::process_2vuy_U(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) {
00370   //TimeET p;
00371   const unsigned int components=3;
00372   ssize_t reqSize = sizeof(ImageHeader) + width * height * components;
00373   RCRegion * region = getUnusedRegion(reqSize, 0);
00374   unsigned char * buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(region->Base());
00375   new (region->Base()) ImageHeader(0, layer, width, height, components, ++frame, get_time(), nextName());
00377   unsigned char * dst = buf + sizeof(ImageHeader);
00378   if(parallel) {
00379     BlockContext ctxt = { s, width*2, dst };
00380     dispatch_queue_t q_default = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
00381     dispatch_apply_f(height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK, q_default, &ctxt, process_2vuy_UBlock);
00382   } else {
00383     const unsigned char * const dstEnd=dst+width*height*components;
00384     while(dst!=dstEnd) {
00385       // y₁ u y₂ v → y₁ u v y₂ u v
00386       dst[1] = dst[4] = *s++;
00387       dst[0] = *s++;
00388       dst[2] = dst[5] = *s++;
00389       dst[3] = *s++;
00390       dst+=6;
00391     }
00392     ASSERTRET(dst-buf==reqSize,"CameraSource bad imgFromyuvs " << reqSize << " vs " << (dst-buf));
00393   }
00394   //std::cout << p.Age() << std::endl;
00395   setImage(region);
00396 }
00398 static void process_2vuy_DBlock(void* context, size_t i) {
00399   const BlockContext* const ctxt = reinterpret_cast<BlockContext*>(context);
00400   const unsigned int srcStride = ctxt->srcStride;
00401   const unsigned char* src = ctxt->src+srcStride*2*i*ROWS_PER_BLOCK;
00402   unsigned char* dst = ctxt->dst+srcStride/4*3*i*ROWS_PER_BLOCK;
00403   unsigned int y,u,v;
00404   for(unsigned int r=0; r<ROWS_PER_BLOCK; ++r) {
00405     const unsigned char* const srcRowEnd = src+srcStride;
00406     while(src!=srcRowEnd) {
00407       u=*src;
00408       u+=*(src+srcStride);
00410       y=*++src;
00411       y+=*(src+srcStride);
00413       v=*++src;
00414       v+=*(src+srcStride);
00416       y+=*++src;
00417       y+=*(src+srcStride);
00419       *dst++ = y/4;
00420       *dst++ = u/2;
00421       *dst++ = v/2;
00423       ++src;
00424     }
00425     src+=srcStride;
00426   }
00427 }
00429 void CameraSourceQTKit::process_2vuy_D(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int srcWidth, unsigned int srcHeight) {
00430   //TimeET p;
00431   const unsigned int width=srcWidth/2;
00432   const unsigned int height=srcHeight/2;
00433   const unsigned int components=3;
00434   ssize_t reqSize = sizeof(ImageHeader) + width * height * components;
00435   RCRegion * region = getUnusedRegion(reqSize, 0);
00436   unsigned char * buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(region->Base());
00437   new (region->Base()) ImageHeader(0, layer, width, height, components, ++frame, get_time(), nextName());
00439   BlockContext ctxt = { s, srcWidth*2, buf + sizeof(ImageHeader) };
00440   if(parallel) {
00441     dispatch_queue_t q_default = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
00442     dispatch_apply_f(height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK, q_default, &ctxt, process_2vuy_DBlock);
00443   } else {
00444     for(size_t i=0; i<height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK; ++i)
00445       process_2vuy_DBlock(&ctxt,i);
00446   }
00447   //std::cout << p.Age() << std::endl;
00448   setImage(region);
00449 }
00452 /******* Grayscale processing *******/
00454 static void process_grayscale_zerowhite_Block(void* context, size_t i) {
00455   const BlockContext* const ctxt = reinterpret_cast<BlockContext*>(context);
00456   const unsigned int pixels = ctxt->srcStride * ROWS_PER_BLOCK;
00457   const unsigned char* src = ctxt->src+pixels*i;
00458   const unsigned char* const srcEnd = src+pixels;
00459   unsigned char* dst = ctxt->dst+pixels*3*i;
00460   while(src!=srcEnd) {
00461     // Minor speed hack: divide by 256 instead of 255, so multiply by 220 instead of 219
00462     //   so ranges work out the same (src 255 still maps to 219 before adding 16)
00463     *dst = 235 - (*src++ * 220)/256;
00464     dst+=3;
00465   }
00466 }
00468 void CameraSourceQTKit::process_grayscale_zerowhite(const unsigned char * s, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) {
00469   //TimeET p;
00470   const unsigned int components=3;
00471   ssize_t reqSize = sizeof(ImageHeader) + width * height * components;
00472   RCRegion * region = getUnusedRegion(reqSize, 0);
00473   unsigned char * buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(region->Base());
00474   new (region->Base()) ImageHeader(0, layer, width, height, components, ++frame, get_time(), nextName());
00476   unsigned char* dst = buf + sizeof(ImageHeader);
00477   memset(dst, 128, width*height*components);
00478   BlockContext ctxt = { s, width, dst };
00479   if(parallel) {
00480     dispatch_queue_t q_default = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
00481     dispatch_apply_f(height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK, q_default, &ctxt, process_grayscale_zerowhite_Block);
00482   } else {
00483     for(size_t i=0; i<height/ROWS_PER_BLOCK; ++i)
00484       process_grayscale_zerowhite_Block(&ctxt,i);
00485   }
00486   //std::cout << p.Age() << std::endl;
00487   setImage(region);
00488 }
00492 #pragma mark-
00494 @implementation CameraSourceQTKitDelegate
00495 -(CameraSourceQTKitDelegate*)initWithTarget:(class CameraSourceQTKit*)tgt {
00496   target=tgt;
00497   return self;
00498 }
00500 -(void)captureOutput:(QTCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputVideoFrame:(CVImageBufferRef)videoFrame withSampleBuffer:(QTSampleBuffer *)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(QTCaptureConnection *)connection
00501 {
00502   /*
00503   std::cout << "Got frame " << CC2Str([[sampleBuffer formatDescription] formatType])<< " desc " << [[[sampleBuffer formatDescription] localizedFormatSummary] UTF8String]  << std::endl;
00504   NSDictionary* attr = [[sampleBuffer formatDescription] formatDescriptionAttributes];
00505   if(attr==NULL) {
00506     std::cerr << "no attributes" << std::endl;
00507   } else {
00508     for (id key in attr) {
00509       NSLog(@"key: %@, value: %@", key, [attr objectForKey:key]);
00510     }
00511   }
00512    */
00513   target->processImage(videoFrame,sampleBuffer);
00514 }
00515 @end
00517 #endif // 10.6 or later
00518 #endif // Apple platform
00520 /*! @file
00521  * @brief 
00522  * @author Ethan Tira-Thompson (ejt) (Creator)
00523  *
00524  * $Author: ejt $
00525  * $Name:  $
00526  * $Revision: 1.4 $
00527  * $State: Exp $
00528  * $Date: 2011-03-10 16:45:44 $
00529  */

Tekkotsu Hardware Abstraction Layer 5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 05:01:38 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3