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visops.cc File Reference

#include <math.h>
#include "susan.h"
#include "visops.h"
#include "Vision/cmvision.h"
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namespace  visops

Visual routines operators, used in DualCoding.


std::vector< xyPair > boundaryPoints (const Sketch< uint > &dest, uint &mindist, const uint maxval)
bool radiate (const xyPair center, Sketch< uint > &dist, const Sketch< bool > &dest, const Sketch< bool > &obst, const uint maxval)
Sketch< uint > ebdist (const Sketch< bool > &dest, const Sketch< bool > &obst, const uint maxdist, const uint time)
Sketch< uint > bdist (const Sketch< bool > &dest, const Sketch< bool > &obst, const uint maxdist)
Sketch< uint > areacc (const Sketch< uint > &labels)
void fillExteriorHelper (const Sketch< uint > &regions, Sketch< bool > &result, std::vector< bool > &processed, const int x, const int y)
Sketch< bool > non_bounds (const Sketch< bool > &im, int offset)
 Returns a copy of im except that its pixels within offset from boundaries are removed.
Sketch creation

Sketch< bool > zeros (SketchSpace &space)
 Returns an all-zero Sketch<bool> in the specified sketch space.
Sketch< bool > zeros (const SketchRoot &sketch)
 Returns an all-zero Sketch<bool> of same size as parent sketch.
Miscellaneous functions

Sketch< bool > colormask (const Sketch< uchar > &src, const std::string &colorname)
 Returns all the pixels of the named color.
Sketch< bool > colormask (const Sketch< uchar > &src, color_index cindex)
 Returns all the pixels with the specified color index.
Sketch< ucharneighborSum (const Sketch< bool > &im, Connectivity_t connectivity=EightWayConnect)
 For each pixel, calculate the sum of its neighbors.
Sketch< bool > fillin (const Sketch< bool > &im, int iter, uchar min_thresh, uchar max_thresh, bool remove_only=false)
 Produces a filled in image based on the Sketch, using 8-way connectivity.
Wavefront algorithms: distance, connected components

Sketch< uintmdist (const Sketch< bool > &dest)
 Manhattan distance to the nearest true pixel in dest.
Sketch< floatedist (const Sketch< bool > &dest)
 Euclidean distance to the nearest true pixel in dest.
Sketch< uintlabelcc (const Sketch< bool > &source, int minarea=1)
 Connected components labeling using CMVision. Components numbered sequentially from 1.
Sketch< uintoldlabelcc (const Sketch< bool > &source, Connectivity_t connectivity=EightWayConnect)
 Old connected-components code written using pure sketch primitives.
Sketch< uintareacc (const Sketch< bool > &source, Connectivity_t connectivity=EightWayConnect)
 Each pixel of the result is the area of that connected component.
Sketch< bool > minArea (const Sketch< bool > &sketch, int minval=5)
 Low-pass filter by eliminating small regions.
Edge and symmetry detection

Sketch< bool > edge (const Sketch< bool > &im)
 Simple edge finding. Use SUSAN for more sophisticated edge detection.
Sketch< bool > horsym (const Sketch< bool > &sketch, size_t minskip=3, size_t maxskip=80)
 Horizontal symmetry points.
Sketch< bool > versym (const Sketch< bool > &sketch, size_t minskip=3, size_t maxskip=80)
 Vertical symmetry points.
Sketch< bool > skel (const Sketch< bool > &sketch)
 returns a skeleton of sketch, with pixel values corresponding to distance of symmetry
Region filling

Sketch< bool > seedfill (const Sketch< bool > &borders, size_t index)
 Fills a region bounded by borders, starting at position given by index.
Sketch< bool > fillExterior (const Sketch< bool > &borders)
 Fills the exterior of region bounded by borders, starting from the edges of the sketch; border pixels are not filled.
Sketch< bool > fillInterior (const Sketch< bool > &borders)
 Fills the interior of region bounded by borders, i.e., pixels not reachable from the edges of the sketch; border pixels are not filled.
Sketch dissection

Sketch< bool > leftHalfPlane (const Shape< LineData > &ln)
 Half-plane functions fill in the half plane on one side of a line.
Sketch< bool > rightHalfPlane (const Shape< LineData > &ln)
 Half-plane functions fill in the half plane on one side of a line.
Sketch< bool > topHalfPlane (const Shape< LineData > &ln)
Sketch< bool > bottomHalfPlane (const Shape< LineData > &ln)
 Half-plane functions fill in the half plane on one side of a line.
Image manipulation primitives

Sketch< ucharsusan_edges (const Sketch< uchar > &im, int brightness)
 Runs the SUSAN edge detector on a grayscale image.
Sketch< bool > susan_edge_points (const Sketch< uchar > &im, int brightness)
 Returns a Sketch<bool> indicating edge points found by SUSAN.
Sketch< uintconvolve (const Sketch< uchar > &sketch, Sketch< uchar > &kernel, int i, int j, int width, int height)
 Convolves a kernel with an image.
Sketch< uinttemplateMatch (const Sketch< uchar > &sketch, Sketch< uchar > &kernel, int i, int j, int width, int height)
 Convolves a kernel with an image, normalizing the kernel to zero mean.

DualCoding 5.1CVS
Generated Mon May 9 04:56:30 2016 by Doxygen 1.6.3